Let's collectively promote our industry, our know-how and our regions!

From October 13th to 19th 2025, Cosmetic Valley is organizing Cosmetic 360 Week - the international week of cosmetics - in France, around the 11th edition of Cosmetic 360.
The strength of Cosmetic 360 Week lies in the quality of the events on offer throughout the week.
Cosmetic Valley invites you to take part!

Together, let's contribute to Cosmetic 360 Week, the must-attend event for the perfumery and cosmetics industry! 
Capitalize on the soft power of Cosmetic Valley - the beating heart of the global cosmetics industry!

Why become a Cosmetic 360 Week player?

  • Reference your event at the heart of Cosmetic 360 Week and benefit from the power of collective communication dedicated to promoting the cosmetics industry and French territories
  • Gain international visibility for your action 
  • Contribute to the soft-power of the French cosmetics industry, and offer an event that highlights your values and expertise to a professional audience or the general public.

Put your event at the heart of Cosmetic 360 Week

Eligibility criteria: 
  • You are a company/organization/association 
  • You are organizing an event (visit, conference, workshop, network event, etc.) related to the perfume and cosmetics industry value chain.
  • Your event will take place in person on October 13, 14, 16 (evening), 17, 18 or 19, 2025 in France
The registration form is now available for the 2025 edition!

If you need any extra information, please contact Ségolène Leloutre at sleloutre@cosmetic-valley.com.